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How to prepare for the project report
The report should contain:
1. A title, your name and the course title
2. A summary of the main findings that should not exceed 200 words;
it should contain the final model and important conclusions from
the analysis.
3. The report then contains a description of the dataset, some
of its scientific background and the interesting features
of the data (time plot, histogram, stationarity, needs for differencing?).
The model specification, estimation and model diagnostics (residual
plot, acf, pacf of the residuals, Box-Ljung statistic, outliers?).
Report of the final model with justification and interpretation of
the fitted model (significance of coefficients including the intercept
4. The report should either provide an internet address where the dataset
can be downloaded, or the data included in an attached computer diskette.
- Points will be deducted if these guidelines are not followed.
Old Exams
Exam 1 given in Spring, 08
Exam 2 given in Spring, 08
Exam 1 given in Spring, 03
Exam 1 given in Spring, 95.
Exam 2 given in Spring, 95.
Exam 2 given in Spring, 02.
Final exam given in Spring, 94. (Part of last question is missing.)
Final exam given in Spring, 01.
Exam 1 given in Spring, 02
Final exam given in Spring, 02.
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