During the summer, food is served at many outdoor fairs and festivals throughout the Midwest. Such food may be less safe than food solid in restaurants because it is prepared in temporary locations, often by volunteer help, with limited access to refrigeration. In a research study, many people attending various fairs in the Midwest were asked: "How often do you think people become sick because of food they consume prepared at outdoor fairs and festivals?" They were asked a similar questions regarding becoming sick because of restaurant food and because of fast food. The possible responses to all three questions were: 1 = very rarely 2 = once in a while 3 = often 4 = more often than not 5 = always In all, 303 people (196 women and 107 men) were surveyed. This dataset contains the following variables: subject subject number hfair response to question abou healthfulness of fair food sfair response to question about getting sick from fair food sfast response to question about getting sick from fast food srest reponse to question about getting sick from restaurant food gender coded "F" and "M" This dataset is used in Chapter 26 of Moore, D.S. The Basic Practice of Statistics, 4th ed. The original research is in Boo, H.C. "Consumers' perceptions and concerns about safety and healthfulness of food served at fairs and festivals," MS thesis, Purdue University, 1997.