You should have the program XLISP-STAT on a Macintosh disk. XLISP-STAT
needs to have several files available for it to work properly. These
files are
Before starting XLISP-STAT you should make sure that these files are in the same folder as the XLISP-STAT application.
To start XLISP-STAT double click on its icon. The program will need a
little time to start up and read in the files mentioned above. When
XLISP-STAT is ready the text in its command window will look something
like this:
XLISP version 2.0, Copyright (c) 1988, by David Betz XLISP-STAT version 2.0 , Copyright (c) 1988, by Luke Tierney. Several files will be loaded; this may take a few minutes. ; loading "init.lsp" ; loading "common.lsp" ; loading "help.lsp" ; loading "objects.lsp" ; loading "menus.lsp" ; loading "statistics.lsp" ; loading "dialogs.lsp" ; loading "graphics.lsp" ; loading "graphics2.lsp" ; loading "regression.lsp" >
The final ``>
'' in the window is the XLISP-STAT prompt. Any
characters you type while the command window is active will be added
to the line after the final prompt. When you hit a return,
XLISP-STAT will try to interpret what you have typed and will print a
response. For example, if you type a 1 and hit return then
XLISP-STAT will respond by simply printing a 1 on the following line
and then give you a new prompt:
> 1 1 >
If you type an expression like (+ 1 2), then XLISP-STAT will print the result of evaluating the expression and give you a new prompt:
> (+ 1 2) 3 >As you have probably guessed, this expression means that the numbers 1 and 2 are to be added together. The next section will give more details on how XLISP-STAT expressions work. In this tutorial I will always show interactions with the program as I have done here: The ``
'' prompt will appear before lines you should type.
XLISP-STAT will supply this prompt when it is ready; you should not
type it yourself. In later sections I will omit the new prompt
following the result in order to save space.
Now that you have seen how to start up XLISP-STAT it is a good idea to make sure you know how to get out. As with many Macintosh programs the easiest way to get out is to choose the Quit command from the File menu. You can also use the command key shortcut COMMAND-Q, or you can type the expression
> (exit)Any one of these methods should cause the program to exit and return you to the Finder.