NOTE: Almost all files (even binaries) in the Info-Mac archive are in text format. Hence, a FTP transfer using a text-only option should work in all common cases. To access binaries in the Info-Mac archive at sumex-aim, use your machine's ftp program. Type "ftp". Use the account name "anonymous" (lower-case) and enter any password. Then "cd info-mac" to enter our directory. You should be able to transfer binaries with a statement like "get tn/tn000.hqx". Here are some simple commands to move you around the directory structure. This example assumes that you started in the /info-mac directory. cd app # move into the app directory ls # list the files there get planet.hqx # transfer a file to your computer cd .. # move back up to the parent directory cd help # and so on... Most Info-Mac files are stored in BinHex 4.0 format. We have adopted the common practice of labeling such files with .hqx extensions. To take these files and use them on your Macintosh, you must first run them through a program which will convert them from .hqx format into a regular Macintosh file. On Unix systems, you can use the mcvert program, stored as /unix/mcvert.shar. You can also do the conversion on your Macintosh by using either BinHex 4.0 or StuffIt 1.5.1. We recommend using StuffIt because it is slightly more reliable than BinHex. Note that some of our files are large and have been split into smaller pieces so that they can be more easily mailed. You must join them together before running BinHex or StuffIt. Hqx files can be edited as normal text; therefore, you can use any word processor or append command on your host to stich the pieces together. There are some files in the /util directory to do this step for you (unity and united). Most of our files also have been compressed to save space. You'll know that they have been when the file name after converting to Macintosh format ends with a .sit, .cpt, .sea, or .pit extension. You should use StuffIt 1.5.1 to convert .sit and .pit compressed files into real Macintosh files. (With .pit files you need to set a special StuffIt option to decompress them since they are not in the usual StuffIt format.) The other types, .cpt and .sea, are becoming increasingly common as Compactor gains in popularity. Both Compactor and Stuffit are in the /util directory. In summary, there are generally five steps to pulling .hqx files from our archives: 1. Transfer them to your computer with FTP. 2. Transfer them to your Macintosh somehow. 3. If necessary, put separate pieces together. 4. Run BinHex 4.0 or StuffIt to convert the .hqx files into either real Macintosh files or compressed Macintosh files. 5. If they are compressed, use the appropriate decompression program to decompress them. People using Unix may be able to skip steps 3 and 4 by using the program mcvert on their Unix system before transferring the program to their Macintosh. If you don't already have BinHex 4.0, it would be easiest to get it from a friend or user group. The truly desperate can compile it from the Pascal text sources currently stored in the source directory. Or, if you know how to do an 8-bit binary download, you can FTP it from us as /util/binhex4.bin.