- The mean number of strikeouts is 4.
- The population standard deviation is
The sample standard deviation is 1.690308509.
- The regression line is: y = 0.774193548 x +
In practice, we would write it as y = 0.77 x + 1.87.
- The correlation (r) is 0.681554201. This means
there is a moderately strong linear relationship between number of beers and number of strikeouts.
The fact that r is positive indicates that a high number of beers
corresponds to a high number of strikeouts and vice versa.
- The number of options is 20C9 = 167,960.
- The number of different lineups is 9P4 = 3024.
- The full line up can be arranged in 9! =
362880. (Note: 9! = 9P9.)