Data on the chemical composition of coffee samples collected from around the world, comprising 43 samples from 29 countries. Each sample is either of the Arabica or Robusta variety. Twelve of the thirteen chemical constituents reported in the study are given. The omitted variable is total chlorogenic acid; it is generally the sum of the chlorogenic, neochlorogenic and isochlorogenic acid values.
Streuli, H. (1973). Der heutige stand der kaffeechemie. In Association Scientifique International du Cafe, 6th International Colloquium on Coffee Chemisrty, Bogata, Columbia, pp. 61-72.
Based on Fig. 12.1 in Graphical Data Analysis by Antony Unwin.
Created using flexdashboard
title: "Chemical Composition of Coffee"
author: Luke Tierney
orientation: rows
source_code: embed
data(coffee, package="pgmm")
coffee <- within(coffee, Type <- ifelse(Variety==1,
"Arabica", "Robusta"))
names(coffee) <- abbreviate(names(coffee), 8)
ggplot(coffee, aes(x = Type)) + geom_bar(aes(fill = Type)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("grey70", "red")) +
guides(fill=FALSE) + ylab("")
### Caffeine and Fat Content
ggplot(coffee, aes(x = Fat, y = Caffine, color = Type)) +
geom_point(size=3) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey70", "red"))
```{r, fig.width = 8}
ggparcoord(coffee[order(coffee$Type),], columns=3:14,
groupColumn="Type", scale="uniminmax") +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("grey","red")) +
theme(axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank())
### Background
Data on the chemical composition of coffee samples collected from
around the world, comprising 43 samples from 29 countries. Each sample
is either of the Arabica or Robusta variety. Twelve of the thirteen
chemical constituents reported in the study are given. The omitted
variable is total chlorogenic acid; it is generally the sum of the
chlorogenic, neochlorogenic and isochlorogenic acid values.
Streuli, H. (1973). Der heutige stand der kaffeechemie. In
_Association Scientifique International du Cafe, 6th International
Colloquium on Coffee Chemisrty_, Bogata, Columbia, pp. 61-72.
Based on Fig. 12.1 in
[_Graphical Data Analysis_]( by Antony
Created using [`flexdashboard`](