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Directions for standard
deviation (Topics 1-2) and for regression/correlation (Topics 7-8)
for several common calculators . . .
1. Click the link and scroll down to the simple Worked-Out Example if your calculator
is shown below. (Check your work with the given answers.)
2. Either google your calculator’s instructions or youtube a video for “standard deviation” or
“regression” if you have a different calculator than the ones shown
below. Then check your understanding by calculating these simple examples:
A. Standard deviation: Enter a sample of four numbers:
15 16 20
21 (Answers: sample
mean = 18.0 and
s = 2.943920289
B. Regression/correlation: Enter four numbers for the x variable: 1 2 3 4 and corresponding four
numbers for the y variable: 2 4 5 7
(Answers: correlation r = 0.992277876 and regression equation = 0.50 +
1.6 x )
TI - 83
HP - 50g
(Credits: The above calculator help links were written and created by Jack Tedeski and Carol Kuiper in 2008.)