Research interests: Bayesian statistics. Bayesian variable selection and model averaging in linear models, generalized linear models and latent variable models. Computational statistics.
Previous Grant Support:
2016-2019: Research partially supported by the NSF grant DMS-1612763 "Scaling up Bayesian Variable Selection for High Dimensions" (Sole PI).
2014-2016: Research partially supported by the NSA Young Investigator Award H98230-14-1-0126 (Sole PI).
* Indicates these authors contributed equally.
‡ Indicates PhD/MS student author and the work was done as part of PhD thesis or MS research project, under supervision of Joyee Ghosh.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Joyee Ghosh*, Aixin Tan*, and Lan Luo (2025), "Online Bayesian variable selection and Bayesian model averaging for streaming data", Stat, to appear, preprint
- Xun Li‡, Joyee Ghosh, and Gabriele Villarini, (2023)
"A Comparison of Bayesian Multivariate Versus Univariate Normal Regression Models for Prediction", The American Statistician, 77(3), 304-312
Accepted Author Manuscript
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The American Statistician (2023), available here
Accepted Author Supplement to Manuscript - Xun Li‡, Joyee Ghosh, and Gabriele Villarini, (2023)
"Bayesian Negative Binomial Regression Model With Unobserved Covariates for Predicting the Frequency of North Atlantic Tropical Storms",
Journal of Applied Statistics, 50(9), 2014-2035
NegbinBVS R package source - Joyee Ghosh (2019), "Cauchy and Other Shrinkage Priors for Logistic Regression in the Presence of Separation" , Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 11(6), e1478
- Gabriele Villarini, Beda Luitel, Gabriel A. Vecchi, and Joyee Ghosh (2019) "Multi-model ensemble forecasting of North Atlantic tropical cyclone activity" , Climate Dynamics, 53(12), 7461-7477
- Joyee Ghosh*, Yingbo Li *, and Robin Mitra (2018), "On the use of Cauchy prior distributions for Bayesian logistic regression", Bayesian Analysis, 13(2), 359-383
- Gabriele Villarini, Enrico Scoccimarro, Kathleen D. White, Jeffrey R. Arnold, Keith E. Schilling, and Joyee Ghosh (2015) "Projected changes in discharge in an agricultural watershed in Iowa", Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 51(5), 1361-1371
- Joyee Ghosh and Andrew E. Ghattas‡ (2015),
"Bayesian variable selection under collinearity", The American Statistician, 69(3), 165-173
(featured article with free access until November 30, 2015)
accepted author manuscript
The final version of the article is available online here - Joyee Ghosh (2015)
"Bayesian model selection using the median probability model" ,
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 7: 185-193. doi: 10.1002/wics.1352
accepted author manuscript
The final version of the article is available online here - Joyee Ghosh* and Aixin Tan* (2015)
"Sandwich algorithms for Bayesian variable selection", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 81, 76-88
accepted author manuscript
The final version of the article is available online here - Joyee Ghosh and Jerome P. Reiter (2013),
"Secure Bayesian Model Averaging for Horizontally Partitioned Data", Statistics and Computing, 23(3), 311-322 pdf
The final version of the article is available online at - Merlise A. Clyde* and Joyee Ghosh* (2012), "Finite Population Estimators in Stochastic Search Variable Selection", Biometrika, 99(4), 981-988 pdf
- Joyee Ghosh and Merlise A. Clyde (2011), "Rao-Blackwellization for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging in linear and binary regression: A novel data augmentation approach", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 106(495): 1041-1052. doi:10.1198/jasa.2011.tm10518 pdf
- Joyee Ghosh, Amy H. Herring, and Anna Maria Siega-Riz (2011), "Bayesian variable selection for latent class models", Biometrics, 67: 917-925. doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2010.01502.x pdf
- Merlise A. Clyde*, Joyee Ghosh*, and Michael L. Littman (2011), "Bayesian adaptive sampling for variable selection and model averaging", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), 80-101 pdf
- Alison Stuebe, Helen Lyon, Amy Herring, Joyee Ghosh, Alison Wise, Kari North, and Anna Maria Siega-Riz (2010), "Obesity and diabetes genetic variants associated with gestational weight gain", American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 203:283, e1-17
- Joyee Ghosh and David B. Dunson (2009), "Default prior distributions and efficient posterior computation in Bayesian factor analysis", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18(2), 306-320, pdf
- Joyee Ghosh, Jerome P. Reiter, and Alan F. Karr (2007), "Secure computation with horizontally partitioned data using adaptive regression splines", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51, 5813 - 5820, pdf
Book Chapters and Conference Proceedings
- Jeffrey D. Dawson, Amy M. J. O'Shea, and Joyee Ghosh (2019), "Reducing High-Frequency Time Series Data in Driving Studies" , International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) 2019 Satellite Conference Proceedings Paper
- Joyee Ghosh and David B. Dunson (2008), "Bayesian model selection in factor analytic models", Random Effect and Latent Variable Model Selection, ed. D.B. Dunson, John Wiley & Sons, pdf
Technical Reports
- Payel Ghosal‡, Shamriddha De ‡, and Joyee Ghosh, (2025+), "An online algorithm for Bayesian variable selection in logistic regression models with streaming data", preprint
- Shamriddha De ‡ and Joyee Ghosh (2025+), Robust Bayesian model averaging for linear regression with heavy-tailed errors", preprint